Thursday, July 22, 2010

It's Go Time

Right now my life seems to be on "fast forward" heading in one direction rather than on steady play mode. To-do's are abundant and my every minute seems to be filled with something. Between work, finding a new apartment, and my social activities, I am one busy girl.

Lately I have been feeling almost on the borderline of a breakdown. I am anxious, nervous, and unsure if everything will work out. My busy season has started and one thing on my list has a deadline vastly approaching- move out day. As the day approaches I am busy exploring and seeing different apartments here in Chicago. Searching for a new place has made me appreciate the uniqueness and beauty this city really offers. Each subdivision has its own look, feel and culture. Some areas make you want to run away, others draw you in like a firebug attracted to a light. As I continue to search for the perfect apartment, I am learning more about myself and the city I love so much.

I have a big project though. I am solely responsible for myself and finding a new home that is safe, affordable and a fit for all my needs. This is definitely a learning experience and making me grow-up, while obtaining more "street smarts" along the way. Hopefully I will be back to my regular pass once this apartment and moving is over. Until then, my life will be somewhat of a construction zone. 

In the meantime, it is go time! I will continue moving in the fast lane- straight ahead hoping to come across my future home that will mark the start of a new chapter in my life. God speed ahead.

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